Mick Fleetwood
Birthdate: June 24
Sign: Cancer
Possessions and Desires...
Gem: Topaz--This is an excellent gift to be exchanged between very loyal friends.
Flower: Hemp--You may need to just accept that the universe will always have its own
Astral Color, Color Need, Apparel Color: Your Astral Color is Green, which gives you
confidence. Green in your environment enhances your luck, because you will feel secure. In your wardrobe,
Silver is very stimulating for you.
Fragrance: You will be calmed by the scent of fresh linen dried in the breeze or wild
Tree: Palm--You tend to be very healthy and creative.
Instruments: Tambourine, lyre
Composer: Schubert
Bird: Goldfinch--There are forty-four different species of finches which vary greatly.
This can sometimes be the most charming bird. These gentle creatures can be very moody in unsettled weather.
Symbol: Crescent--You are more likely to be influenced by the phases of the moon.
Your easygoing manner leads you to peaceful situations.
Harmonious Health and Nutrition...
Health Scent: Orange Blossom--This scent may balance your body, mind, and soul.
Favorable Foods: Carrots, grapes, sugar, liver, buttermilk
What's Lucky...
Lucky Numbers: 3,6, 7
Best Months: February and September
Best Day of the Week: Monday
Best Month Days: 6, 15, 24
Lucky Charms: A religious token or card from any religion.
Harmonious Signs for Relationships and Partnerships: Pisces, Scorpio, and Taurus
Spiritual Guides...
Star: Al Terpha--The people born under this star are often delivered from trouble by
Angel: Muriel--This angel aids us during times of emotional stress.
Guardian Angel: Michael--"Who is like God."
Spiritual Stone: Jacinth--Holding this stone could aid in memory retention.
**Judith's Insight**
There isn't anything you can't do. You are a great talker and avid reader.
Seldom do you go into a deep conversation you can't handle. You seem pretty certain about how to get over the obstacles
that inevitably come in your way. Eventually you learn to accept criticism, although at first you can be quite defensive.
When it comes to finding a mate, look before you leap. You have a tendency
to jump in without really knowing the other person. Your worst heartaches come from not thinking before you speak.
As a lover, you are deep and emotional. The problem is very few people get to see that. Too bad you're afraid
to let others in, especially since you crave intimacy most. Your subtle style is most attractive, but your mate must
be a powerhouse when it comes to romance. If that person doesn't appreciate spontaneity, they may never put a smile
on your face. Don't worry, you fare quite well in your love life and other relationships. Work to send out more
receptive signals. Harmony and happiness tend to come when you decide you're ready.
Although you like a challenge, from time to time you could just stop something in
the middle and decide you want something else. It will seem as if money just falls into your lap. It is also very
possible that you will create something and bring yourself to significant wealth.

You would never break the chain...

John McVie
Birthdate: November 26
Sign: Sagittarius
Possession and Desires...
Gem: Chrysolite--This gem may help you clear your mind of sadness and worry.
Flower: Silver Leaf Geranium--You seem to remember all the tiny details.
Astral Color, Color Need, Apparel Color: Your Astral Color is Red, the color of passion,
power, excitement, and strength. Violet in your environment will keep you empathetic toward others. In your wardrobe,
Green is your power color for overcoming obstacles.
Fragrance: You need to be bathed in exotic scents that will give your imagination room
to roam. Experiment with imported incense and tinctures to show the world what a spirited individual you are.
Tree: Pine--Your relationships tend to be harmonious, both emotionally and mentally.
Instrument: Cello
Composer: Mozart
Bird: Bobolink--This charming singer is equally good as a soloist or a member of an orchestra.
It is a very romantic bird, useful as an insect destroyer, and elegant, with beautiful feathers, and always pleasant to have
Symbol: Wings--You are the source of balance in your world--this will bring you contentment.
Harmonious Health and Nutrition...
Health Scent: Almond--This scent may revitalize you and and open you to greater possibilities.
Favorable Foods: Horseradish, grapes, rice, pecans, fish
What's Lucky...
Lucky Numbers: 5, 7
Best Months: February and June
Best Day of the Week: Thursday
Best Month Days: 8, 17, 26
Lucky Charm: Red ribbon in your wallet or doorway.
Harmonious Signs for Relationships and Partnerships: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Spiritual Guides...
Star: Al Naim--Those with this star are often delightful.
Angel: Aduachiel--this angel governs the balance of elements---water, earth, fire, and
air---and helps maintain a calm disposition.
Guardian Angel: Seraphim--An angel that brings love, light, and passion.
Spiritual Stone: Emerald--This gem is thought to aid in smoothing the connection between
the desires of the soul and those of the body.
**Judith's Insight**
Provided the subject is of interest, you make a great student. Your energy
will bring you success, if you can manage to find a way to channel it. You are quick-minded and, unfortunately, sometimes
quick-tempered. Though very serious while younger, as you get older you become the life of many parties.
Retail, particularly sales, may bring you success. You can talk anyone into
buying anything. Your conversations are bright and interesting, and you have no fear of showing or receiving affection.
Others feel close to you because of your naturally cheerful disposition. Consider making the most use of your gifts
by opening your own business.
Relationships will be just a matter of finding the right method of convincing that
special person that you're the one. It's easy for you to meet people, so you should have many choices. Explore
your love of travel--you are brimming with desire to delve into nature both close to you and far away.
You will feel secure around water and are invigorated by heights. You have
a talent for innovation. The only restriction you'll ever feel is time. You're so busy that even if you live to
be a hundred, there will be things you haven't gotten around to.

Christine McVie
Birthdate: July 12
Sign: Cancer
Possessions and Desires...
Gem: Sapphire--This gem may help you find forgiveness from those you've wronged.
Flower: Basil--Be careful that the things you hate don't distract you from living a full
Astral Color, Color Need, and Apparel Color: Your Astral Color is Green, which gives
you confidence. Green in your environment enhances your luck, because you will feel secure. In your wardrobe,
Brown gives you confidence and a sharp look.
Fragrance: You will be calmed by the scent of fresh linen dried in the breeze or wild
Tree: Elm--You have willpower, strength, and the ability to stand alone.
Instrument: Trombone
Composers: Verdi, Mendelssohn, Schumann
Bird: Swan--Regarded as royal and sacred, this bird has the protective nature of a mother,
and can become a furious fighter in the defense of its young.
Symbol: Wreath--You have been crowned with a special personality. You are strong
but extremely compassionate.
Harmonious Health and Nutrition...
Health Scent: Rose--This scent will lead you to passionate thoughts and make you feel
warm inside.
Favorable Foods: Onions, oranges, whole oats, honey, cottage cheese
What's Lucky...
Lucky Numbers: 3, 4, 7
Best Months: February and September
Best Day of the Week: Monday
Best Month Days: 3, 12, 21, 30
Lucky Charm: A pen that someone else has already used.
Harmonious Signs for Relationships and Partnerships: Pisces, Scorpio, and Taurus
Spiritual Guides...
Star: Al Nethra--Those with this star are treasured as friends.
Angel: Muriel--This angel aid us during times of emotional stress.
Guardian Angel: Johiel--This angel is a protector of all those with a humble heart.
Spiritual Stone: Jacinth--Holding this stone could aid in memory retention.
**Judith's Insight**
You are a quiet person and a deep thinker. As a general rule, you tend to
have a bit of a hot temper and act on impulse. You are somewhat critical by nature and can get yourself involved in
big, crucial problems. Your judgments aren't always the best, even though you have a good heart and act with good intentions.
You can be the great humanitarian and want to offer a helping hand. However, you don't always know how to show this
side of yourself. You tend to live in a world of your own and like it that way. Although you dislike being needy,
you do tend to rely on other people a great deal. You're intelligent and intuitive but somewhat illogical at times.
You have learn to think before you speak and wait until you really have something to say.
You love your home and try to make it beautiful and harmonious, but you tend to
weave many tangled webs. You aim high and are quite capable; however as responsible as you are you're always the last
one out of bed. You accomplish much more in your later life than you do in earlier years, and you do veer off the track
at times. Once you get out of your own way, you will become quite successful.
You may jump around in careers and look for something that offers adventure and
spontaneity. Unfortunately, you need to be around something with more security. Watch out for bouts with the law
or legal issues that may arise around you. It may be tht you choose a legal career: attorney, judge, or police
officer. You tend to lead an erratic life, and one way or another you will be in the public eye and in the newspaper.
The publicity will, hopefully, be good. Eventuall you find harmony and stop creating obstacles for yourself.

Lindsey Buckingham
Birthdate: October 3
Sign: Libra
Possessions and Desires...
Gem: Ruby--This stone may lead you to energy, friendship, and happiness.
Flower: Wheat--You could end up very wealthy.
Astral Color, Color Need, Apparel Color: Your Astral Color is Crimson, which reflects
your ability to nurture. Yellow in your environment stimulates and exhilarates you. In your wardrobe, Rose give
you balance and harmony.
Fragrance: Pick scents that are soft and not overwhelming, like eclectic mixtures of
Tree: Elm--You have willpower, strength, and the ability to stand alone.
Instrument: Trombone
Composers: Verdi, Mendelssohn, Schumann
Bird: Eagle--This bird is quick to use its powers of flight. It can see immeasurable
distances in a single glance, and can sometimes appear to be indifferent.
Symbol: Wreath--You have been crowned with a special personality. You are strong
but extremely compassionate.
Harmonious Health and Nutrition...
Health Scent: Rose--This scent will lead you to passionate thoughts and make you warm.
Favorable Foods: Spinach, peaches, whole wheat bread, walnuts
What's Lucky...
Lucky Numbers: 6, 9
Best Months: August and December
Best Day of the Week: Friday
Best Month Days: 3, 12, 21
Lucky Charm: A pen that someone else has already used.
Harmonious Signs for Relationships and Partnerships: Aquarius and Gemini
Spiritual Guides...
Star: Al Zubena--Those with this star often seek and find redemption
Angel: Zuriel--This angel lends us the power to find balance when we desperately need
Guardian Angel: Johiel--This angel is a protector of all those with a humble heart.
Spiritual Stone: Sapphire--the stone of serenity and prosperity.
**Judith's Insight**
You love justice, so don't be surprised to find yourself in a courthouse often during
your life. If you don't choose to enter the legal profession, you may have many dealings with it, usually having
to do with important documents like contracts, financial reports, or stocks and bonds. It's up to you whether you're
a champion of the underdog or the underdog yourself. You would also make a great mediator, psychologist, or philospher.
You understand the secrets that lie beneath what others see. You will understand life more clearly than most people
could ever hope to imagine.
You have good friends because you know relationships take work, and you're a willing,
devoted friend. You find mates quite easily, and this could be beneficial if you go about it properly. Others
will strive to bring you happiness, not only emotionally, but financially. You have an alluring charm and wit.
You will be successful; your career will be very important to you after you turn
thirty. In your late forties, after a brief midlife crisis, you may change jobs and work in a completely different,
perhaps artistic field. The real you always rises to the top.
You are great with children, either your own or those close to you. Anything
you do around young people brings luck. You will make a huge difference in a lot of lives, but you may not always understand
just how much your efforts mean.
Runnin' in the shadows
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